Friday, August 27, 2010

The Movie to Watch....

I know everyone's psyched to see "The Lottery Ticket," with Lil Bow Wow and Ice Cube, but the movie we should really be watching is "The Lottery."  The Lottery tells the story of a group of children hoping to get into a charter school via lottery.  Lotteries are just that, with school officials literally picking names out of a hat.  Those unlucky enough not to get picked have to deal with overcrowded schools, schools mired in financial ruin and gangs battling over turf while students try to carry on the school day.  I've worked in the Chicago Public School system and can tell you first hand that public education in this country is a travesty.  Though charter schools offer some modicum of hope in the barren field that is education, not everyone can get in.  What about those who don't get chosen?  What becomes of them?

It's a shame that as an "industrialized" (With our present health care situation, I am debating this moniker), nation, a quality education is becoming something only the rich can truly afford.  Public education should be the mainstay of our country, and should churn out bright and enthusiastic students from all walks of life, regardless of color or class.  What most people don't understand is that without a solid foundation in the basics, (such as reading, writing and mathematics), higher education is definitely out of reach.  I've heard of schools in poor neighborhoods with no heat in the winter.  Students who deal with overcrowded classrooms and outdated textbooks.  But then we point to these same students and say "You all got to do better!"  I truly believe that people of color get the short end of the stick when it comes to education, as most schools in low-income areas are seriously underfunded and disproportionately African American or Latino.  

What many people don't understand that in our "Land of the Free," economic and racial inequalities begin with our educational system.  Property taxes dictate how much money a school receives, which means that one school gets a high-tech computer lab, while another can barely afford to cover the cost of desks.  That's strike one.  Strike two begins with the educational experiences afforded to most students in elite school districts.  They are given polo matches, soccer and music classes.  In urban areas, students can no longer even afford to have recess or classes dedicated to art and literature.  Strike three culminates with the closing of local schools that don't meet mandatory test goals.  Testing has become so pervasive in education that many districts have lost sight of the true meaning of what being educated means.  Many teachers simply "teach to the test," and subjects such math and science are being pushed aside in lieu of reading and language.  

With all this going on, it's no wonder America is falling behind educationally.  We wonder why there is a dearth of American medical doctors, scientists and mathematicians and why most Americans are not equipped to handle even the most basic of mathematical equations.  Those in power often see the problem as an "urban" one, and don't realize that everyone is affected by the way education plays out.  It's an American problem, with the problem spreading across the country like the plague, pulling us farther away from global competitiveness.  So this weekend, research this movie.  Sit down and think about what's going on with our broken educational system.  And maybe, just maybe we can start seeing some change.       

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's Thursday Folks.....

Yep, it's Thursday y'all!!!  You know what that means (well, of course you don't, LOL.)  It's Back Track Thursday which means I'll post music I loved from back in the day.  Feel free to comment on what got you up and dancing back in the day....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Black Women and Rape

I was researching rape for my graduate studies program, and focused on rape in communities of color.  I had to search, really, really, hard for information.  I was disappointed that people are not aware of the alarming statistics regarding women of color and rape.  While investigating a youtube clip on rape  in communities of color, specifically of Black women, by filmmaker AfroLez, titled No!, I was amazed at some of the comments.  They ranged from sympathetic (very few), to apathetic, to racist and sexist and beyond.  One commenter suggested that by focusing on the rape of Black women, rape as a subject was somehow devalued.  I promptly responded to the statement by asserting that rape anywhere, is of concern as the dynamics that fuel it are often prompted by the same sexist norms.  The young lady sent me a private message, arguing that by accusing her of dismissing Black rape, I was calling her a racist.  My first thought was....well, if the shoe fits.....but I was responsible in my reply.  

I tried to encourage a dialogue between she and myself by asking her what is so offensive about documenting the rape of Black women.  She promptly replied that rape occurs in White communities too.  This got me to thinking.  Whenever I've attended feminist or pro-womanist meetings concerning rape, the stories are often of White women and their experiences.  It is as if White is normative, a color which is a stand-in for all others, and therefore, those experiences are considered more valuable.  These experiences are for the most part, considered to be more relatable, than the experiences of women of color.  But why can't a Black woman's experiences be just as relatable?  Many of the stories of the women in the documentary mirrored those of many White women I have seen and spoken to.  Why can't the voices of Black women be just as valuable?  When I adamantly asked the commenter about these issues, I encountered resounding silence.  

On my quest for information, I voraciously searched the web, journals, articles, everything.  And I found something disturbing:  most people just don't believe that Black women can be raped.  Shows like Maury Povich, music videos and movies fuel the idea that Black women want to be fondled, groped and assaulted.  A glimpse at some of the comments I found (which I will NOT post here), shows how pervasive this kind of thinking is.  People often used the evidence of out-of-wedlock babies and pregnancy rates in the Black community as evidence that we are an oversexed and irresponsible group of people incapable of containing our urges and as such, cannot be victims.  

The recent hullabaloo concerning Antoine Dodson and his angry rant concerning the near rape of his sister, highlights the phenomenon of how our society brushes the sexual assault of Black women under a rug only to focus on other things.  I remember years ago in Chicago, a man was raping Black women standing on bus stops on the South Side, causing many to fear for their safety.  Nothing was done about it until a newspaper columnist called for heavier police enforcement and investigation into the crimes.  It all pointed to one thing:  No one cared.  The intersectionality of racism, classism and and inferences of irresponsibility should be addressed.  There is should be no reason why so many Black women will experience rape or some form of sexual intimidation during her lifetime.  There should be no reason why the voices of these women be silenced.                

Monday, August 23, 2010

Following the Fad: Today's Fashion Gripe

Skinny pants are in.....for SOME people.  Just like anything else in the world, everything ain't for everybody.  So why do I see women who aren't skinny wearing things like skinny pants?  And I'm not trying to get on anyone here.  I, myself am an hourglass, and therefore cannot adequately rock the skinny pant.  And you know what?  I'm cool with that.  I wear only what I know looks good on me.  Yet, like sheep, (or lemmings off a cliff), women often want to wear what they think is in.  What's hot.  What's new.  What's the trend right now.  I'm not like that.  I hate wearing anything just because Jennifer Lopez did it in her new movie.  I often wear retro and vintage reproductions and just about anything that flatters my frame.  It may not be what the celebs are wearing, but hey, I've got to do me.

Why do people obsessively follow fashion fads, even when it's obvious (or not so obvious to the wearer) that it is a style that just doesn't work?  I cannot tell you the number of fashion don'ts I have spied around Chicago, trying earnestly to look "in" and cool, even when it is apparent that they'd look so much better wearing something else.  And who is complicit in this treachery?  Why aren't mothers, sisters and best friends saying to these women, "Girl, please don't wear that in public."  Who is lying to them and saying "Hey, those pants are really cool," only to chuckle inside as muffin top, bulges and other unsightly horrors push themselves into the consciousness and eyesights of everyone within ten feet.  And I repeat:  I am NOT skinny.  I am more Beyonce/Buffie the Bod than I am Jennifer Aniston.  It's not about being skinny, as even the slimmest of women, if wearing the wrong size, style, or fit can experience these things.  And yes, I know women who are full figured and yet they can outdress even the most obsessive fashionista any day.

It's about embracing who YOU are.  Accepting yourself, regardless of weight or size.  Because honestly, there are a lot of skinny fashion don'ts walking around Chicago too.  But sometimes instead of creating a long and enviable silhouette, the styles they wear come off as skeletal and anorexic.  So anyone and everyone has a unique and specific body type that they must flatter and adorn.  You have to figure out what works for YOU, and not the latest supermodel/singer/celebutante.  Think about it:  they have a team of stylists, photographers and publicists to mold and sculpt them into the fashion icons they are.  They have teams of people that scour stores and boutiques to find just the right item for them.  And sometimes, even they don't always look good wearing some things.  So don't let them dictate what you should be doing.  Do what's good for you.  Live well and dress well my fellow fashionistas!!!    

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dr. Laura and the "n" word: Why can't WE say it?


Dr. Laura's infamous n-word filled rant has been beamed across the country, inciting all the usual pernicious talk (usually those talking are of the paler persuasion) of the n word and when is it "okay" to use it.  Personally, I don't think anyone should use it; it's never "okay" to use it.  But that being said, why should anyone WANT to say it?  It's funny to me that a so-called trained psychologist would ever even deign to repeat a word mired in such hurtful history.  But there you go, she wants to be able to say it too.

Is it about entitlement?  Is it about a small part of people that childishly want to be in on something?  Cuz seriously, if I ever see a group of Asian kids using slurs against each other, it would not in any way endear me to use those same words.  I wouldn't want to.  You know why?  Because those words are filled with a history of suffering that is unique to those people using it.  So I just--would never think to use them.  What is it about racists, errr.....I mean people, who want to use the infamous n-word?  If you ask them, it's about their "first amendment rights," (be able to use racial slurs), and to "exercise their rights as Americans" (use racial slurs when not in the presence of like minded individuals), and to basically do as they please.

But when "doing as you please," means offending other people, shouldn't a line be drawn?  Why would anyone want to offend a group of people you don't even know?  And to add insult to injury Dr. Laura indicated that Black comedian used the word all the time, and it's a "humorous," thing.  And if the caller didn't have a sense of humor, then she shouldn't "marry outside her race."  Um....hold up.  When is it cool for that word to be used, (especially as the caller was a Black woman in the presence of her all white in-laws) and when is it ever funny?  And I never thought that interracial dating was about humor anyway.  It's about people dating, marrying and hopefully loving each other.

And I especially love how the new thing is to brand all complaints of racism as "hypersensitivity."  I have heard things like "You people are too sensitive,"  "You all need to relax and take a joke."  No, I don't.  I don't have to do anything I don't want to do.  It's MY right as an American.  It's my right to be respected as an individual, as a human being and not be told that "you people," (what people is that?) "are too sensitive."  I don't go around shouting anti-semitic slurs at the tops of my lungs, or disrespecting other people's culture or religion.  You know why?  Because I have been taught to respect other people as I myself would like to be respected.  Bottom line.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Homewreckers, Hoes, and Housewives

A few girlfriends and I were chatting the other day, and the topic of the "homewrecker," came up.  I've always found that term to be somewhat misleading, as it implies that a woman is carrying a wrecking ball in her purse as she peruses quaint little houses to destroy at whim.  My point was that the "homewrecker" title is a blatant attempt to clear a man from his responsibilities to his wife or significant other and that often society's anger is misplaced.  My friends disagreed.  They felt that a woman has an obligation to NOT step in between a man and his wife/significant other.  While in principle this may be true, doesn't the man carry the onus of accepting responsibility for the consequences of an affair?  Why does the philandering husband often get a free pass?

Just look at the recent coverage of the relationship between Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz.  She's been labeled a "homewrecker," while mention of Swizz's involvement has been minimal.  Now, I'm not saying she's blameless, but what I'm saying is that the person who actually MADE the commitment is MORE responsible.  After all, she is single.  She can date anyone she wants (within limits).  However, he was not.  So, why all the anger towards her or any other woman in a similar situation?  Alicia could easily have been any other woman on the planet.  In fact, I have read a few articles that have referred to other children he has fathered with other women while still married.  He should vilified for his actions as an irresponsible partner who has (in today's dangerous and STD infested world) had unprotected sex with people other than his wife.

My friends were still inclined to respectfully disagree, and the topic meandered to hoes and how housewives have to always be on the lookout for them.  I laughed.  I mean really.  A wife has to spend her time worrying about hoes?  Seriously?  So in-between taking care of the hearth, a woman has to act like a Magnum P.I. too?  Damn.  "Well," one of my girlfriends explained, "It can happen to anyone if a woman isn't on top of her game.  I mean, if a woman won't do certain things, another woman will."

While I agree, that partners should be willing to please each other, I don't see how this translates into: "Man needs constant ego-stroking and sex" regardless of the circumstances, either.  Some of my friends posited that maybe Mashonda wasn't doing it up in the bedroom.  Maybe women have to be more proactive.  I couldn't contain my laughter at this point.  Okay, I say, so if a woman isn't satisfying her man, then that gives him some license to cheat?  What about communication?  What about working on making the relationship better?   

And what about the woman who tries to give it her all and she is still confronted with a husband that will stray?  The bottom line is, it takes two people to make a successful relationship.  They both have to be willing to work at it, and communication is key.  Once all this has failed, then both people should dissolve their relationship and then pursue someone else.  I understand that this may only happen in an ideal world, but hey, people should be able to at least try to make it work and exhaust all possibilities.  And in the event of an affair, then the person who made the commitment is entitled to most of the anger involved.  Simple as that. 

Hello World!!

It's me, the Black Barbie.  And I'm not playing nice.  I want to give the world my point of view, no sugar, no spice and no-holds barred.  I'll be writing on everything that comes to mind; from fashion, to food to current events, it'll all be covered.  Get ready y'all.  Cuz Black Barbie isn't waiting for Ken.